
  东南亚海运成立于1967年,公司自成立以来致力于亚洲各国家之间的海运业务。经过35年的不断发展,并在发展的多年间,不断积累经验,公司以形成了较大的规模,能提供专业并且安全周到的服务。东南亚海运于1996年获得ISM和ISO 9002认证,这也充分证明了东南亚海运对客户的服务质量以及其公司的信誉。东南亚海运的目标就是为客户提供安全周到的服务。东南亚海运近阶段的目标是力争成为全球海运行业的佼佼者。

  DNA (Dongnama Shipping Co., Ltd.) has diversified its business to major Asian countries since being founded in 1967. Behind DNA's capability to provide professional and safe services lies the experience and expertise gleaned from more than 35 years of operation. DNA acquired ISM code & ISO 9002 certification in 1996 to demonstrate its proven quality of customer services, and expanded strategic alliances forged since the middle of the 1990's. This was part of DNA's plan to provide you with safer and more reliable services. DNA has very definite goals for the near future。